Timetable 2024

Friday 12th July Afternoon/Evening

2.00 pm – 5.00 pm in Dining Room
How did they do it? Master Moves in Flash Fiction. Pre-festival workshop with Kathy Fish

2.00 pm onwards

  • Arrivals and socialising. Paella and picnics
  • Check-in for accomodation open at Trinity College until 9.00 pm and Churchill Halls unntil 10.00 pm
  • Register arrival in Reception at Trinity College (Old Building Main Entrance)

Bookshop open 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Meet and Greet for newcomers in the bookshop at 3.00 pm to 3.30 pm (Tyndall Room).

2.00 pm – 11.30 pm

  • Bar open (Badger’s Pouch) run by Trinity College. Free tea and coffee also available.Meet and Greet for newcomers at 5.00 -5.30 pm
    5.00 pm

  • Paella will be ready — cooked and served outside in the grounds
    • 6.30 pm – 6.45 pm
    • Welcome and introduction. In Dining Room

    6.45pm – 7.30pm

    • Flash Fiction Readings from Festival presenters Dining Room

    7.30 pm – 8.00 pm

    • Two mini book launches. Carrie Etter, ‘Grief’s Alphabet’ and Karen Jones, ‘Burn it All Down’ Dining Room

    8.00 pm – 8.30 pm

    • Viva Voce – flashfiction readings by festival participants introduced by Kathy Hoyle, Dining room
      8.30 pm till late – socialising in the bar (Badger’s Pouch) and outside, (There is also a ‘chill-out’ room for quiet conversation Front Lounge). Festival Karaoke n the bar, hosted by Helen Rye and Christopher Allen.
      The bar is open until 11.30 pm and karaoke will finish then.

    Saturday 13th July

    8.45 am – 9.45 am
    Early morning hour-long workshops.

    • Collage and Flash with Laura Marshall Lecture Room One – 30 max
    • Good Things Come in Small Packages: Creating Flash from Proverbs, with Alison Powell Front Lounge – 30 max
    • Bad Writing Makes Good, with Jude Higgins Lecture Room Three – 20 max
    • Magic Realism: blurring the lines between reality and fantasy with Nora Nadjarian Lecture Room Two – 30 max

    9.45 am – 10.15 am

    • Coffee/tea in Dining Room. Meet and Greet for anyone who has not come before
      10.15 am – 10.25 am

      • Welcome, information about the weekend events including introduction to workshop facilitators. Dining Room<
      • 10.30 am – 11.00 am

      • ‘The Biggest Word Cricket in the Whole Wide World’. with Vanessa Gebbie. The traditional half an hour warm up writing workshop for the entire assembly. Dining Room.

      11.05 am – 12.35 pm
      Workshop Session One. One and a half hours.

      • We Real Cool: The Collective Voice with Kathy Fish Lecture Room One – 30 Max
      • Physicality in Flash: Writing the Body, with Finnian Burnett Lecture Room Two – 30 max
      • Sexing it Up in Prose Poetry, with Carrie Etter Lecture Room Three – 20 max
      • From Page to Karaoke Stage, with Nancy Stohlman, The Bar (Badger’s Pouch) — 30 Max
      • Writing A Prize Winning Story. Panel chaired by Audrey Niven with Kathryn Aldridge- Morris, Sara Hills and Marie Gethins Front Lounge – 30 max

      1.00 pm – 2.00 pm

      • Lunch. Dining Room Bar open from 12.35 pm

      2.15 pm – 3.45 pm

    • Herding Cats: How to build a collection of short fiction: with Sarah Freligh Lecture Room One – 30 max
    • Writing a Novella-in-Flash: Harnessing Everyday Life: with Michael Loveday Lecture Room Two – 30 max
    • Food for Thought: with Susmita Bhattacharya Lecture Room Three – 20 max
    • Brief Encounter: Finding Story Inspiration in Films: with Emily Devane Front Lounge – 30 max
    • Shakespeare and Flash: with Jo Gatford in Bar (Badger’s Pouch) – 30 max
    • 3.45 – 4,15.pm

      • Tea break Dining Room
      • Bookshop open Tyndalls Room

      4.15 pm – 5.30 pm

      Workshops Sessions one hour and 15 mins

      • NFFD reading and discussion session with Diane Simmons, Karen Jones and Ingrid Jendrzjewski Bar (Badger’s Pouch) -20 max listeners, About 15 readers already selected
      • Risk and Reward: Breaking Free of the Comfort Zone: with Ken Elkes Lecture Room One – 30 max
      • Writing the Self: Empathy versus Appropriation… with Fiona Mackintosh Front Lounge – 30 max
      • Exercises from 52 Stories for Readers and Writers with Rosaleen Lynch Lecture Room Two – 30 max
      • Another World, a Haibun Makeover: Jude Higgins in conversation with Robert Beary Lecture Room Three – 20 max

      5.30pm – 11.30 pm

      • Bar open (Badger’s Pouch)

      5.30 pm – 6.30 pm

      • Bookshop open Tyndalls Room

      6.30 pm -7.30 pm

      • Dinner
        7.45pm – 8.15 pm.

      • Mini book launches: Hereafter by Sarah Freligh, Clearly Defined Clouds by Jude Higgins. Dining Room
        8.15 – 8.45 pm

      • Viva Voce – Flash Ficton Readings by festival participants introduced by Kathy Hoyle. Dining Room

    Bar open until 11.30 pm to carry on socialising inside and outside. Karaoke entertainment organised by Helen Rye, with Christopher Allen. Chill out room (Front Lounge) for quiet conversation

    Sunday 14th July

    8.45 am – 9.45 am.
    Early morning hour-long workshops.

    • Flash and Nature with John Brantingham Front Lounge – 30 max
    • How To Run Writing for Well Being Workshops with Kathryn Aldridge Morris Lecture Room Three – 20 max
    • A Question of Palate and Nose with Slawka Scarso Lecture Room One – 30 max
    • ‘Supercharge your Creative Practice with Farhana Shaikh Dalton Room – 15 max
    • Art and Flash with Anika Carpenter, Flash Cabin Lecture Room Two – 30 max

    9.45- am – 10.15 am

    • Tea. Dining room

    10.15 am – 10.20

    • Welcome to Sunday with Jude Dining Room

    10.25 am – 10.55 am

    • A talk/book launch of Flash Fusion (South Asian Flash) with Susmita Bhattacharya,Anita Goveas and Farhana Khalique Dining Room

    11.05 am – 12.35 pm
    Workshops, one and a half hours.

    • We Real Cool: Storytelling in the Collective Voice with Kathy Fish Lecture Room One -30 max
    • Smokelong Special with Christopher Allen and Helen Rye in the bar – 30 max
    • Science and Flash Workshop with Ingrid Jendzrejewski Lecture Room Two – 30 max
    • Murder and Radishes with Vanessa Gebbie Lecture Room Three – 20 max
    • Style and Structure in the Novella in Flash. Panel with John Brantingham, Sarah Freligh, Jupiter Jones and Michael Loveday Front Lounge – 30 max
    • 12.35 pm – 2.00 pm

      • Bar Open until 2.00 pm. Book shop (Tyndalls Room) open from 12.30 pm – 1.00 pm.

      1.00 pm – 2.00 pm

      • Lunch

      2.15 pm – 3.45pm workshops

      • Discovering Dialect – Using Dialect to Create Authentic voice:: with Kathy Hoyle The Bar – 30 max
      • Psychedlic Flash: Writing The Altered State with Nancy Stohlman Lecture Room One – 30 max
      • Monsters in Fction: with Alison Woodhouse Front Lounge – 30 max
      • The Writer Self in Flash Fiction with Stephanie Carty Lecture Room Two – 30 max
      • Building up the Layers: with Farhana Khalique and Anita Goveas Lecture Room Three – 20 max

      3.45 pm – 4.15 pm

      • Tea. Bookshop open

      4.15 pm – 4.45.

      • Raffle prizes drawn
      • Goodbyes Dining Room

Please Note: As with any large event, this programme maybe subject to alteration.

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