Bath Flash Fiction and our Award winning small press, Ad Hoc Fiction are major funders for the festivals, providing administration time and website design.
In addition, Ad Hoc Fiction donates book design and publication costs and free copies of the Festival Anthologies for festival go-ers who submit to and are accepted for the festival anthology.
We are very grateful to Hall and Woodhouse who have again agreed to sponsor a full place (£250) for a writer on a low-income. Hall and Woodhouse is a family firm which has been running for many years and produces specialist beers and runs restaurants and pubs. They are well known for their support for local charities and community events within Dorset and elsewhere and we were pleased to add the £354 raised at last year’s raffle to the sum they were collecting for Air Ambulances South West.
Another full cost place (£250) has been sponsored by the prestigious and longstanding online literary magazine for short-short fiction,
SmokeLong Quarterly and we thank them very much for this support. SmokeLong always has a big presence at the Festival. Last year, the magazine’s Editor-in-Chief, Christopher Allen offered several workshops and co-ordinated the fantastically fun karaoke workshop with one of the Submissions Editors, Helen Rye and Tara Laskowski who was co-Editor for SmokeLong came too and ran a workshop. SmokeLong also produced some wonderfully fun ‘FlashCab’ videos at the Festival, which are essential viewing. The FlashCab video linked here features our Festival Curator, Meg Pokrass reading one of her stories. There are more great FlashCab videos on Youtube featuring team member Santino Prinzi, and others with flash fiction writers and teachers, Nancy Stohlman and Ingrid Jendrzejewski. Do check them out. Christopher Allen and Helen Rye are running workshops and participating in panels this year at the festival as well as co-ordinating the Karaoke entertainment.
A further two full cost places of £250 each have been donated by anonymous supporters of the Festival. And we thank them very much for this support.
Online applications for all four places (£250) (which can be split into half-cost places of £125 each) are open here until February 29th 2020. Let us know via the contact form if you are unsure if you can apply or if you need any further information.
Ad Hoc Fiction is also raffling books to contribute to a further reduced place at our Flash Fiction Festival Three launch in Bath, 8th February.
We are still collecting raffle prizes for our festival and we will be posting up the prizes soon together with details of the charity we are supporting this year.