Festival Raffle 2024

At the in-person flash fiction festival, Friday 12th to Sunday 14th July, 2024 in Bristol, UK, volunteer, Nicola Keller will be selling raffle tickets for the prizes below. All proceeds will again be donated to the Dovetail Orchestra, an orchestra of refugees and Asylum seekers based in Bristol. More details and a video about them here.
Tickets £1.00 each. Draw will take place at the end of the festival. Around 4.30 pm, Sunday.

Here is our list of prizes. More may be added before the weekend.

Courses/workshops/mentoring Some very generous prizes here from our flash fiction tutor/teacher friends

  • Jo Gatford
  • Feedback/edits on up to 5 flashes (5000 words max): https://www.jogatford.com/editing worth £125
    A 1.5hr creative coaching session (also includes feedback): https://www.jogatford.com/creative-coaching worth £375

  • Kathy Fish

  • One place on a forthcoming 3-in-90 workshop

  • Debbi Voisey
  • Debbi is donating a full one year membershop and a six month membership on her Time To Write Group. She says:

    Time to Write is a friendly group who get together to offer support and encouragement, and it gives members the time to work on their projects. We do structured sessions as well as pure writing time sessions. Everyone has achieved so much over the time of their membership and it is great to see their achievements and publications. Click the link to findout more about it https://www.tickettailor.com/events/dublinwritercreativewritingservices/1050937

  • Vanessa Gebbie
  • is offering a place on one of her Grist to the Mill sessions (date in the autumn/winter to be arranged with Vanessa. More details about Grist to the Mill here.

  • Sarah Freligh
  • One place on a forthcoming class with Sarah. More details of classes on her website. Winner contacts her

  • Anika Carpenter
  • One place on the Aug, Sep and Oct sessions of Art & Flash. Link with more information here https://www.flashcabin.com/art-flash

  • Alison Powell
  • A 90 minute 1-1 mentoring session

    Alison offers 1-1 mentoring that draws on her experiences as a writer, a workshop leader and an NLP Master Practitioner (have a chat with her for more about that!) She helps people overcome creative blocks, find space for their writing and also offers constructive feedback on their work in progress. Author Jay Giebus describes her as “a reader who sees your story before you do, an editor with an ear for the rhythm of prose.” Each session is bespoke, so you can shape the focus to best support you and your writing.

  • Audrey Niven
  • Two 50% discount vouchers for any coaching programme, to be used by 31 Decebmer 2024
    More details on Audrey”s website

    For locals:Free Acupuncture Appointment With Robert Goodman LicAc, MBAcC

  • Robert says: Acupuncture is an ancient healing art that encourages physical and emotional wellbeing by restoring balance to the body and mind. A branch of traditional medicine, it has been practised in China and the Far East for thousands of years.

    It involves the insertion of hair-thin needles into specific points along meridians in the body. These stimulate your qi or energy, helping you to return to balance and health.

    With this voucher, enjoy a free hour long appointment with Robert Goodman in Bristol. Worth £60.

    07709 237109 www.blueskyacupuncture.co.uk


  • Books in the Raffle

    Thank you to everyone offering a copy of one of their books or book bundles

  • Carrie Etter (one of her collections. Title to be confirmed
  • Jude Higgins- flash fiction collection Clearly Defined Clouds
  • Sally Reiser Simon -debut novel Before We Move On
  • Stephanie Carty, The Writing Mirror (new craft guide book)
  • Tom O’Brien Straw Dogs (novella -in-flash)
  • National Flash Fiction Day anthology bundle. Thank you to NFFD Directors
  • Novella in Flash 2024 book bundles of winner, Hereafter by Sarah Freligh, and the two runners up Nose Ornaments by Sudha Balagopal and Mariiyn’s Ghost by Jo Withers from Ad Hoc Fiction. Donated by Bath Flash Fiction Award.
  • Writing packs and other prizes

  • Two Writers’ Survival Kits donated by Cheryl Markosky. Cheryl says “it will include things like nice notebooks, pens, superior tea, posh biscuits, etc.”
  • Writers’ Soothing Pack donated by Rosaleen Lynch
    – notebooks, pencil case, lavender candle, eyemask and a book token. Some of the items pictured here.
  • A packet of greeting cards designed by writer and artist Jeanette Sheppard. Sample card in the picture.
  • Three free entries to Bath Flash Fiction Award
  • Bottle of whisky donated by Alison Woodhouse
  • Four Bottles of Argentinian wine, donated by Cole Beauchamp (from her vinyard)
  • Bags of three glass pendants made by writer and artist Nod Ghosh, pictured here

    (3 prizes)

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