image by designecologist
We’re delighted to announce the winners of the June Great Festival Flash Off contests judged by writers Damhnait Monaghan and Alison Woodhouse
hey really enjoyed the stories and you will be able to see them in print in our festival anthology donated by Ad Hoc Fiction and out later this year The winners also each receive an anthology of their choice from Ad Hoc Fiction, a free entry to Bath Flash Fiction Award, a festival tote bag and two free sessions on Jude Higgins’ Tuesday flash fiction group.
1.Winner of The Signature Challenge described here:
Write about someone’s signature and/or the document on which it is required. Is it nursing notes, a will, a love letter, a confession? Is the signature present? Missing? Forged? Under what circumstances was it signed? Duress? Mistake?
Davena O’Neill with her story
Things My Mother Left For Me To Find
Our judges said this:
“A great example of using lists in flash fiction to build the world around the character. These nods to scenes that happen ‘outside’ the frame enrich our understanding of the character’s troubled relationship with her mother. An excellent last line.”
2. Winner of the Technical Challenge described here:
“Write us a micro recipe that incorporates at least five of these homophones, replacing the food/drink ingredient with its alternative:
Chilli/chilly; Steak/stake; Pear/pair; Meat/meet; Wine/whine; Pie/pi; Fowl/foul; Mousse/moose
Word count 100, not including title.”
Rosaleen Lynch
with her story, ‘Recipe for Sustenance’
Our Judges said this:
What a wonderful response to the challenge. Clever, innovative, with an uplifting, hopeful message. Outstanding work!

Image by ~David Holifield
‘We’d like you to wow us with an upside down story – that is to say – tell it backwards. Your story should start at the end and take us to the beginning, in reverse chronology. You have 400 words
Sara Hills with her story Lessons in Attachment Parenting Sara also won the April Flash Off Signature challenge!
Our Judges said:
“Told through the adult daughter’s perspective, this is a heart-wrenching story of estrangement, told in three almost self-contained segments taking us back to the beginning, when love was painfully unconditional. We enjoyed the vivid sensory description, the specificity of detail and the repitition and multiple layers of meaning in ‘attachment’. A great example of making the title work hard for your story.” Bravo!
Many congratulations to all three writers!
The next festival day is Saturday July 31st and there will be a further three challenges this time judged by writers Jeanette Sheppard and Matt Kendrick with the same great prizes. Read more about our judges on our Judges’ page. There are still a few places left on Saturday if you want to come. £30 for the whole day. Book here.